June Ainissa Ramirez June Ainissa Ramirez

The Ancient Way to Sleep

Our ancestors used to sleep differently. If you looked back you would see them sleep in two parts. The inventions of the light bulb and the clock changed this old way of sleeping.

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June Ainissa Ramirez June Ainissa Ramirez

Can We Make A Transporter?

Lots of technologies on Star Trek have become a reality. But what is missing is the transporter. Lawrence Krauss, physicist and author, sheds some light on the possibilities.

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June Ainissa Ramirez June Ainissa Ramirez

Making Ketchup Hurry Up

Ketchup takes a long time to come out of the bottle. Fortunately, science has a few answers for how to help ketchup hurry up.

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June Ainissa Ramirez June Ainissa Ramirez


Honeybees are turning into zombie bees after a small fly injects a parasite into them. Scientists are asking everyone to report weird bees at zombeewatch.org.

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